I am a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter & daughter-in-law, a sister & sister-in-law, cousin, friend, and so on and so forth. This is who I am; I do not want to leave anything out! I am a stay at home mom, designer, hopeful blogger, hoarder of recipes, wannabe vegetarian, chef, baker, gardener, crafter, cleaning technician, photographer, goofball, and at present an aquarium keeper with a major addiction to Pinterest, which is a very serious condition. I have a degree in interior design, but the label of interior is too confining for me.
I love my family and being inspired. There is no such thing as too many hugs, kisses, and I love you’s. I love love, and I love to laugh, especially with my husband. I try to see the comedy in every situation. Everyday I try to be better as a person and at everything I do. I love learning new things. I strive to be an inspiration and role model to my daughter. I love finding new ways to organize and become more efficient, but I also try to keep the “stop and smell the roses” balance to my life and family.
Daily, I continue in my organic and sustainable endeavors by trying to guide my family and myself on a path of healthy living, physically and spiritually. If you haven’t noticed, “try” is a keyword in my life. I may not succeed, but there is no harm in trying. Best scenario, it works, worst scenario, it does not. Failure is an option, this is how we learn. I make mistakes and everyday I try my best to learn from them. I hope you enjoy what I have to share.
Until next time,